A Tale of Two Car Wrecks - The Aftermath of a Car Accide

A Tale of Two Car Wrecks - The Aftermath of a Car Accide

Satisfaction or Suffering 

Unfortunately, more than 6.5 million car crashes occur in the U.S. every year with varying degrees of vehicle damage, personal injury, inconvenience, and expense.  

Fortunately, there are steps car wreck victims can take – from the scene of an incident and at home after the accident  – that can be the difference between receiving a satisfying settlement or suffering through devastating losses.  

Too often, people get lost in the cause of a car wreck or consumed by the severity of an accident. Because of this, they frequently fail to realize how significant their legal actions and decisions are following a crash. If they understood the ultimate consequences of these decisions, they’d undoubtedly change their behavior. 

Consider the following hypothetical examples. A car is struck by a delivery truck, causing significant damage to the car. Two completely different drivers, responses, and results are involved. Driver A is a young, responsible person who tries to do the right thing and believes she can contribute to the success of her case. Driver B is middle-aged and less responsible, a procrastinator and complainer who believes the system is out to get him. 

At the Scene of the Wreck: Initial Decisions 

Driver A made sure she wasn’t severely injured, quickly assessed the car damage, took pictures of all vehicles and road conditions (including DOT numbers and license plate numbers on the truck), and obtained all driver identification and insurance. Knowing she wasn’t at fault, she also contacted the office of an attorney from the scene. Driver B made sure everyone and every vehicle was alright but didn’t take any documenting photos. Rattled and confused, he exchanged information and left the scene as soon as possible. 

Medical Treatment Decisions 

Driver A, though feeling no injuries, immediately went to a doctor the attorney they she contacted from the scene recommended. She collected notes and documents from her doctor visits, underwent physical therapy, and took the medication prescribed. Driver B, though feeling a bit dizzy and fearful of medical costs, didn’t consult with a doctor but decided to rest more than usual and took common pain medication. 

Legal Decisions 

Driver A compiled her records and worked with her legal team she contacted from the scene. The team informed and advised her and prepared and presented her demand to the truck’s insurance company. Driver B, distrusting lawyers but confident of his abilities, decided to represent themselves to save money. 

Continuous Medical Treatment Decisions 

Driver A continued to see the physician recommended by the attorney, and also went to a specialist for neck pain that arose later. She continued to document all her expenses, work time missed, and pain history. Driver B started experiencing more pain, even taking time off from work. He eventually saw a doctor and began taking painkillers. 

Deciding How to Build and Litigate the Case 

Driver A continued to construct her defense with their legal team. They were well prepared to write a demand to the delivery company’s insurance company and would go to court, if necessary. They had a comprehensive and compelling case. Driver B initially hired a lawyer who ended up lacking expertise and didn’t seem concerned about the driver’s hardships. The driver represented himself but did not receive a decision favorable to their argument. 

Settlement and Beyond 

Driver A, due to her responsiveness, responsibility, and thoroughness, won a sizeable settlement for physical and emotional damages and completely recovered from all her injuries. Driver B lost his job because he was no longer able to physically work. Unfortunately,  he never fully recovered from his injuries. 

These may seem to be extreme examples of what happens when one car wreck victim acts swiftly and responsibly and another doesn’t. But the reality is that fair and sizeable settlements most often result from wise actions and decisions.  

Amy Witherite, founder and lead attorney of Witherite Law Group, said, “I’ve seen a lot of cases with a wide range of outcomes, and more times than not it’s the client who responded the fastest and most completely who received the fairest compensation and best results from our help,” said Amy Witherite, founder and lead attorney of Witherite Law Group. She added, “And, unfortunately, those who are poorly prepared often pay dearly for it.” 

The truck accident attorneys of Witherite Law Group help those who have been injured in a car or truck accident. Get legal help today by calling 1-800-CarWreck® or 1-800-TruckWreck or visiting www.WitheriteLaw.com. We’re available 24/7. 


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